Jacob and Sarah met through their mutual love of online video games back in 2008. At first, they were sworn enemies, always playing against each other, and Jacob always beating Sarah at every game. Sarah did not like losing to him continuously, so she worked her magic and finally had Jacob join her team, and with their forces combining, the winning streak began.
They began playing online video games together on a regular basis and became good friends and even better teammates. They met for the first time in person for a gaming tournament in 2009. After Jacob and Sarah met in person and Jacob was finally convinced Sarah wasn’t a 45-year-old man posing on the internet at a young woman, their bond grew more with each day. They began talking on the phone, texting, and spending as much time as possible together online.
After a few months of talking every day, Jacob made the 8-hour drive from Niceville, FL to Venice, FL to see Sarah and spend the weekend together. After meeting and only spending a few hours together, they became official on August 4th, 2010. They spent 10 months long-distance dating while Jacob lived in Orlando, FL. Jacob and Sarah moved in together in 2011. Their friendship, love, and partnership continue to grow every day.